Motley Fool Everlasting Portfolio

Invest alongside Motley Fool CEO Tom Gardner!

  Follow along as Tom Gardner builds out a portfolio of the stocks he considers the “best of the best” in the market today.

  The stocks Tom picks for the Everlasting Portfolio are the only publicly traded stocks he personally owns — and the only publicly traded stocks he will buy for the rest of his life!

  Everlasting Portfolio is backed with over $15 million of The Motley Fool’s own investment capital and has achieved a total return of 516%!!

Invest alongside CEO Tom Gardner and discover the one portfolio he’s personally going 100% “all in” on with his own money!

Tom’s Everlasting Portfolio is backed with over $15 million of The Motley Fool’s own investment capital and contains only the stocks Tom personally considers to be the “best of the best” in the market today, stocks he had pledged to hold for a minimum of five years, no exceptions.

As the name suggests, Everlasting Portfolio aims to find business that will be around for the long haul, while providing market-beating returns along the way.

It’s proven to be a successful strategy. Everlasting Portfolio is absolutely crushing the S&P 500, with more than 143 recommendations already returning over 100%.

And by investing exactly in what Tom is investing in – with his own money in addition to Motley Fool capital – you achieve the same expert diversification as our renowned CEO. It removes 100% of the guesswork that comes with building a portfolio and shows you how to achieve diversification in less than 30 minutes.

Tom and his team update the portfolio quarterly, adding cash and then deploying some (or all!) of it in the form of new investments.

Best of all, today, podcast listeners can get complete access to Tom’s Everlasting Portfolio for over 40% off the regular price.

That's right — today you can get access for a full year for just $1,599!

There’s no catch… we don’t do catches here at The Motley Fool. You’ll become a full and complete member of Everlasting Portfolio – at a bargain price — just by signing up today.

Click here to lock in your special rate and join Tom in Everlasting Portfolio today!