If there's one thing the success of Marvel Entertainment's recent comic book films proves, it's that special effects artists are wowing audiences like never before. Just look at the trailer for Iron Man 3, in which the Armored Avenger is shown rescuing a crew falling from Air Force One to what appears to be their doom.

Through its first two weekends in theaters, Iron Man 3 has generated more than $680 million in sales worldwide for Marvel Studios and parent Walt Disney (DIS -0.63%). That must have Time Warner (TWX), which owns the DC Comic characters, News Corp. (FOXA), which owns the film rights to Marvel's X-Men characters, and Sony (SONY 1.37%), which owns the film rights to the Spider-Man franchise, thinking of ways to bring more superheroes to the cinema.

Which character would you choose to anchor the next comic book blockbuster? Tim Beyers of Motley Fool Rule Breakers and Motley Fool Supernova says DC's the Flash is an obvious choice. But there are two others -- one from Marvel, another from DC -- that could also do well, Tim says.

Do you agree? Please watch the video to find out the other two characters Tim says deserve films, and then let us know which comic book character or story line you'd like to see brought to the big screen.