Shares of Zynga (ZNGA) are up 25% so far this month since the company announced that its much-maligned founding leader, Mark Pincus, would step down as CEO to give the job to Don Mattrick, who previously served as president of Microsoft's (MSFT 1.47%) interactive entertainment division.

But given that he was said to also be in line for the top spot at Electronic Arts (EA -0.30%), or could have even stayed at Microsoft to at least see through the launch of its new Xbox One console, why did Mattrick decide to join the struggling social-game maker?

As it turns out, he may have been fond of Zynga all along, and he also had plenty of incentive to join its ranks, says Fool contributor Steve Symington in the following interview with the Fool's Alison Southwick.

But will it matter in the end? Please watch the video to get Steve's full take, and then feel free to chime in using the comments section below.