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Kaseya Vorex Review

Review Updated
Nicholas Morpus

Our Small Business Expert

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If you're looking for a robust, attractive, and powerful IT help desk software then you should probably continue your search elsewhere because Kaseya Vorex is here and it's ready to disappoint.

Kaseya Vorex
Rating image, 2.90 out of 5 stars.
2.90/5 Circle with letter I in it. Our ratings are based on a 5 star scale. 5 stars equals Best. 4 stars equals Excellent. 3 stars equals Good. 2 stars equals Fair. 1 star equals Poor. We want your money to work harder for you. Which is why our ratings are biased toward offers that deliver versatility while cutting out-of-pocket costs.
= Best
= Excellent
= Good
= Fair
= Poor
Bottom Line: I’m running out of ways to say “avoid Kaseya Vorex” so hopefully this review will do the trick.
  • Ease Of use
    Rating image, 3.50 out of 5 stars.
    3.50/5 Circle with letter I in it. Our ratings are based on a 5 star scale. 5 stars equals Best. 4 stars equals Excellent. 3 stars equals Good. 2 stars equals Fair. 1 star equals Poor. We want your money to work harder for you. Which is why our ratings are biased toward offers that deliver versatility while cutting out-of-pocket costs.
    = Best
    = Excellent
    = Good
    = Fair
    = Poor
    Rating image, 2.50 out of 5 stars.
    2.50/5 Circle with letter I in it. Our ratings are based on a 5 star scale. 5 stars equals Best. 4 stars equals Excellent. 3 stars equals Good. 2 stars equals Fair. 1 star equals Poor. We want your money to work harder for you. Which is why our ratings are biased toward offers that deliver versatility while cutting out-of-pocket costs.
    = Best
    = Excellent
    = Good
    = Fair
    = Poor
    Rating image, 1.50 out of 5 stars.
    1.50/5 Circle with letter I in it. Our ratings are based on a 5 star scale. 5 stars equals Best. 4 stars equals Excellent. 3 stars equals Good. 2 stars equals Fair. 1 star equals Poor. We want your money to work harder for you. Which is why our ratings are biased toward offers that deliver versatility while cutting out-of-pocket costs.
    = Best
    = Excellent
    = Good
    = Fair
    = Poor
    Rating image, 3.50 out of 5 stars.
    3.50/5 Circle with letter I in it. Our ratings are based on a 5 star scale. 5 stars equals Best. 4 stars equals Excellent. 3 stars equals Good. 2 stars equals Fair. 1 star equals Poor. We want your money to work harder for you. Which is why our ratings are biased toward offers that deliver versatility while cutting out-of-pocket costs.
    = Best
    = Excellent
    = Good
    = Fair
    = Poor
    • Easy to learn
    • Simple
    • Covers all basic help desk needs
    • Server issues
    • Outdated user interface
    • Limited support options

When I review a software platform, I try to go into it fresh without any preconceived notions about the product. But that's not always possible since I have experience with all kinds of vendors and platforms, but I try my best to avoid outside opinions before I write my review.

Once I've finished my review I enjoy seeking outside opinions to see if what I experienced is widely accepted or unique to my trial.

I used this methodology when reviewing Kaseya Vorex and I have to be honest, this was probably one of the worst trial experiences I've had. Once I was finished, I did a little research and found many of my experiences are not one-off issues, which is disconcerting, to say the least.

Who is Kaseya Vorex for?

This is a hard question to answer. Not only does Kaseya not display their pricing on their website, but the tool itself doesn't distinguish itself in any way from the competition.

There is no free option for the platform as far as I can tell, the user interface is dated, the customer support is basic, and the features cover only the bare minimum.

If I had to pin an audience to Kaseya Vorex, it would be users who want an uncomplicated IT help desk tool to manage their ITIL (information technology infrastructure library) processes. Unfortunately, I'm not sure there are any other platforms I would recommend this one over if that's what you are looking for.

Kaseya Vorex features

Issue tracking

  • Issue management: Vorex lets you view, search, update, and interact with issue task cards.
  • Request management: Like issue management, you can create, view, search, update, and interact with IT request task cards.

Asset management

  • Asset tracking and management: Assets from computers to software can be tracked, managed, and serviced through Vorex.

Service desk

  • Self-service portal: Track support ticket solution progress and check for outages and other updates.

Content management

  • Knowledge base management: Manage all support articles and release notes through Vorex.


  • Reporting and analytics: Track and measure support success through the many Vorex reporting and analytics tools.
  • Inventory reports: You can build status reports on all assets.
  • Dashboards: Track help desk activity in real time using Vorex's detailed dashboards.

Additional features

  • Permission controls: Limit who can create, view, update, and delete the information within your systems and asset lists.

Kaseya Vorex's ease of use

I had an immediate issue with Vorex. As soon as I signed up for my free trial, I made it about fifteen minutes into my trial before I got an HTTP error 503 screen, which means that the website's server is down.

I checked around Kayesa's website, Facebook, and Twitter to find some kind of notification or announcement about server maintenance, but I found nothing.

This leads me to believe that I'm dealing with a downed server, which isn't a great first impression. If this was a case of maintenance then it's unfortunate that they didn't put out some sort of notice ahead of time about this scheduled work.

Http Error 503 - Service Unavailable

Super start, fellas. Love the interface. Image source: Author

Alright, maybe I'm being a little harsh because we are in the middle of a pandemic. It just seems odd that a company looking to market their software to enterprise users wouldn't either send out some kind of notice about the issue (either pre-maintenance or post-downed server).

Enterprise users typically deal with tons of data and unexpected hiccups like these are the easiest way to scare off a potential user. No one wants their incident management software to become the incident.

The next day...

Okay, we're back at it and it looks like Vorex is up and running again. My true first impression of Vorex (besides the downed server) is still poor. Nearly everything about this tool is dated.

While this helps me understand everything that it does, Vorex doesn't offer much in terms of visual aids. Nearly everything in this tool is represented either by numbers or lists.

For instance, the only visual I've found on the dashboard is the bar graph representing the number of IT tickets owned by each assignee. Everything else is just numbers. No line graphs or anything that could be used as a visual representation of trends.

Kaseya Vorex's service desk

Everything in Vorex is easily accessible, just not visually appealing. Image source: Author

The asset management functions are another great example. While other platforms have found new ways to manage assets, such as visual network displays, Kaseya Vorex keeps it basic by using lists. Nearly every function in Vorex looks like this. Everything is lists, numbers, and search boxes.

Kaseya Vorex's asset management

I'm finding it hard to justify purchasing software that does little more than a spreadsheet. Image source: Author

It doesn't get any better when you move onto other features, from ticket creation to knowledge base management. Most every feature runs on the same basic platform functions that have existed since the end of the 90s.

Sure, they all work but why should someone pay what I assume will be top dollar for outdated technology (and I can only assume that since Kaseya doesn't show their pricing on the website)?

Kaseya Vorex's create article feature

The only way you can add images to the text box is through copy and paste. Image source: Author

Don't get me wrong, Vorex is not a difficult IT help desk software to learn. The platform is so basic that the only way they could make it any more plain and unoriginal is by getting rid of the color palette and making everything black and white.

I've said it before, not every software platform has to find new ways to reinvent the wheel but this effort almost seems phoned in. It's missing design and navigation components that are commonplace in software design in 2020.

Kaseya Vorex's pricing

Kaseya doesn't reveal its pricing on its website. The only way you get a quote is by scheduling a demo and reading off your list of requirements to the Vorex sales team. By then, you're already several layers deep in their sales funnel with little context of what you ought to pay for a tool.

This practice is becoming more commonplace by the year and it frustrates me to no end. If other vendors are transparent with their pricing (including their enterprise options) why can't vendors like Kaseya do the same?

This tells me Kaseya charges hefty rates for tools like Vorex and they're worried about scaring off potential customers. Since I can't see their rates to compare with other vendors, all I have are my suspicions.

Kaseya Vorex's support

Kaseya offers some support options, but some are as outdated as the platform itself. You're served a barebones guide that includes instructions on how to use the features that you can find under the user dropdown menu in the top right hand corner of the window.

Outside of that, your support options are limited. I can't find anything resembling support phone numbers, FAQ sections, community forums, or training videos.

Benefits of Kaseya Vorex

The only benefit I can think of is ease of use. If you've used a computer regularly since 1998, you should have no issues navigating around this platform thanks to the familiarity or nostalgia (whatever you want to call it).

I can't make any judgment calls on the pricing, and the support options are lacking, so I can't find other benefits to go with when there are lots of other superior options.

I can't recommend this tool to anyone

I've never left with such a bad impression of a platform that I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, yet here we are. I guess there is a first time for everything. As far as IT help desk software goes, this platform isn't unusable but the cons overshadow any pros Kaseya can possibly conjure. I better wrap up this review soon because I'm running out of creative juice for snarky comments.

How Kaseya Vorex Compares

IT Ticketing Knowledge Management IT Asset Management Remote Support Self-service Portal
Kaseya Vorex Yes Yes Yes Yes
Jira Service Desk Yes Yes Yes
Freshdesk Yes Yes Yes Yes
SysAid Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Servicedesk Plus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


  • No, there is no free version of this software. If Vorex was free, it might explain its many shortcomings, server crashes, and dated user interface.

  • Um, perhaps if those less experienced users were cryogenically frozen at the turn of the millennium and were recently reanimated. They'd find the user interface very familiar and liken it to the early days of basic HTML/CSS web pages. Vorex is probably a fantastic way to slowly transition these people into the modern internet.

  • Kaseya offers the bare minimum in customer support. I couldn't find any support phone numbers, user forums, FAQs, or training videos. The only substantive resources I could find were a support ticket form and an outdated and basic user guide in the help section of the software.